Motivating employees and ensuring that they are satisfied and fulfilled in their tasks isn’t an easy managerial task. How does one create a sense of dynamism in the workplace or in an LMS training program?
In 1991 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi wrote his groundbreaking book “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience,’ in which he described the work he had done on the “flow” and human motivation. The idea of flow is like the state of being “in the zone” or “in the groove.”
Flow is a feeling of total absorption, fulfillment, and skill during which the person forgets normal and/or temporal concerns such as the ego, food, and time. It’s the optimal state of intrinsic motivation, in which the person is fully engaged and immersed in what he or she is doing, as if playing a sport or reading a good book.
In the “flow,” people feel completely involved and focused. A state of ennui, boredom or depression is prevented by being in the flow. So is the agitation of anxiety.
How can you prompt your employees to achieve this state at the workplace and enjoy more thoroughly the tasks that they are doing?
One way to instill this state is to prevent your employees’ workflow from becoming stagnant. Refresher training via a learning management system (LMS) or other online learning platform is a great way to keep tasks dynamic and changing.
Another element that will impact employees’ sense of engagement and satisfaction in their work is training that is effective, interactive and comprehensive.
How does the job connect to the other parts of the organization and how do the tasks assigned to each employee fit in to the larger scope and organizational goals? Create your own online training customized for your business using a learning management system that allows you to include an overall scope.
Coggno is now offering a free trial for training creators on its learning management system. Create an online course for free, whether it be for internal use, for inclusion in Coggno’s E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.
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